[LUNA] rambling about backup services

Matt brimstone at the.narro.ws
Fri Aug 16 07:34:40 CDT 2013

On 08/15/2013 06:29 PM, Allen Krell wrote:
>  I am thinking about enhancing backup services for my personal workstation,
> and wanted to see what you think.  I currently have a script that backs up
> to a NAS I built with a raspberry PI.  That works for local backups, but
> since it is in my home it is a single point of failure.  I would like an
> off-site backup, and am considering options.  I need less than 100GB of
> backup.  I thought about a mass market cloud service like google drive, but
> I am not sure I trust them with my data.  What do you think?

There's the Cost Is No Object route:
* Buy drives, put in a 1U and host it at a colo somewhere

There's the Cost Is An Object, But That Sounds Cool route:
* Buy a 128GB thumbdrive and a raspi and ship it off to Edis.at for free

There's the I'm Cheap route:
* Buy a drive or three for an old desktop and host it at your

There's the You Don't Understand, I'm Cheap route:
* Convince your friends/parents to setup TahoeFS and replicate with your

I'm doing the middle two now. Box at the 'rents is great, when they have
power. My pi in Austria at Edis is stable now, but there was a time
where rsync to the fully encrypted thumbdrive would draw too much
current or something and I had to email them once a week to powercycle
it. Your mileage may vary, see store for details, void where prohibited.


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