[LUNA] LUNA Digest, Vol 2, Issue 12

Bob Nance bob.nance at novationsys.com
Wed Jul 3 23:20:08 CDT 2013

As I understand the concept of uVerse, they take the voice off the copper and use the entire bandwidth (instead of just the upper frequencies) to improve the bandwidth using DSL technology. They, then, break out the voice using VoIP and deliver that to your analog phones. 

Of course, that is assuming that they are not simply selling the same service they always have and just giving it a new name.

If you are paying $79/mo for a 6 Mb/s download and 768k upload speed, I think you will be sorely disappointed.

  Bob Nance
  Novation Systems
  bob.nance at novationsys.com

On Jul 3, 2013, at 11:02 PM, Gayle Lee Fairless <gayle.fairless at gmail.com> wrote:

>    A T & T is running a holiday bundle for their Uverse at $79/month
> for two years.  If you've seen it, do you think it's a good deal?
>    Sincerely,
>    (Mr.) Gayle Lee Fairless
>    fairless at ieee.org
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