[LUNA] Satellite Internet

Bob Nance bob.nance at novationsys.com
Mon May 20 21:30:55 CDT 2013

> Does anyone on the list use HughesNet?  I have DSL with ATT.  However, I
> only have 1.5Mbps.  My internet is getting slow.  I have all my TVs,
> computers, laptops, and XBox connected.  I need more bandwidth.  I have
> heard that ATT is not buying anymore equipment.
> Looks like HughesNet is my only option for faster connection.  Just
> wanted some opinions if some on the use Satellite.

AT&T is moving to uVerse, which is supposed to provide higher bandwidth by moving fiber closer to the end-user. Right now, I think the fiber is closer that it was, but still several miles and several months away. In the mean-time, they have applied the name uVerse to all of their home circuits, as if that's a reasonable thing to do.

We talked to Traveller for some business clients a couple of years ago. They provided fixed wireless services in a wide area, including most of Huntsville and surrounding areas in view of large hills with towers on them.


BamaWISP was another fixed-wireless provider..

http://bamawisp.com was purchased by Advanced Broadband http://www.advbroadband.net/

However, 100% of the people I know that use HughesNET hate it.

  Bob Nance
  Novation Systems
  bob.nance at novationsys.com

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