[LUNA] heartbleed

Chris Brightwell chris at dimwell.net
Thu Apr 10 10:31:03 CDT 2014

Users of OS X and OS X Server, assuming they're up to date (OS X Mavericks,
10.9.2), appear to be unaffected.


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Bob Nance <bob.nance at novationsys.com>wrote:

> ALL versions of OpenSSL had the bug.
> There is no way to track that the bug was triggered.
> It did not require you to actually access or authenticate to the system in
> any way.
> The bug, basically, did a memory dump of the running system (as I
> understand it).
> So, it must be assumed that EVERY OpenSSL implementation was being
> triggered every few minutes since the dawn of time.
> Yes, it¹s that bad.
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