[LUNA] Cron

Bob Nance bob.nance at novationsys.com
Fri Jun 13 21:28:55 CDT 2014

Wouldn't that just stack the system with a new copy of the software running? Or is the software smart enough to not run twice?

 Bob Nance
 Novation Systems

> On Jun 13, 2014, at 8:40 PM, "John Price" <jp_luna at gcfl.net> wrote:
> How about something much simpler...
> #!/bin/sh
> while /bin/true; do
>  bfgminer <various command line params>
>  sleep 10 #wait a bit so if there's a real problem you don't hammer the
> server
> done
>> On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Michael W. Hall <hallmw at att.net> wrote:
>> Ok.  I have a question.  I am mining BTC.  Have been since February.  I
>> am running bfgminer.  I have it running, but would like to improve it.
>> When I am away from home (work or vacation), the bfgminer program will
>> stop.
>> I know I can do it just not sure how to go about it.  I would like the
>> system to check every 5 minutes or so if the bfgminer is running.  If it
>> is then do nothing.  If it is not then I would like to restart.  I have
>> to start the program like so,
>> bfgminer <various command line params>
>> Any ideas on the best way to do this?
>> Thanks,
>> Michael
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