[LUNA] Cron

Paul F. Pearson pfpearson at mchsi.com
Mon Jun 16 16:20:51 CDT 2014

> Wouldn't that just stack the system with a new copy 

Only if bfgminer forks a new process then exits. Otherwise, the script will be blocked until bfgminer exits.

Someone else suggeted using wait. That would be appropriate if the process runs in the background.

Here's a few examples to demonstrate (I'll use a loop to answer the fear of "stacking the system"). In the first example, xclock will come up once; when you close it it will come up again in 10 seconds. You'll only see it 3 time. In the second example, xclock will come up three times 10 seconds apart. The third example will behave like the first.

# Example 1: script will block until xclock exits

for i in 1 2 3; do
  sleep 10

# Example 2: script will not block

for i in 1 2 3; do
  # run xlcok in the background; I think sh does this using a fork
  xclock &
  sleep 10

# Example : script will block until xclock exits

for i in 1 2 3; do
  # run xlcok in the background; I think sh does this using a fork
  xclock &
  # now, wait for the xclock process to finish
  wait $!
  sleep 10

Caveats: I only know what Michael said about bfgminer, so I can't say how it behaves. My brain isn't working well enough to use the right terminology about blocking, etc. 

Paul F. Pearson
We all laugh in the same language

----- "Bob Nance" <bob.nance at novationsys.com> wrote:

> Wouldn't that just stack the system with a new copy of the software
> running? Or is the software smart enough to not run twice?
> ---
>  Bob Nance
>  Novation Systems
>  256-534-4620
> (iPhone-flavored)
> > On Jun 13, 2014, at 8:40 PM, "John Price" <jp_luna at gcfl.net> wrote:
> > 
> > How about something much simpler...
> > 
> > #!/bin/sh
> > while /bin/true; do
> >  bfgminer <various command line params>
> >  sleep 10 #wait a bit so if there's a real problem you don't hammer
> the
> > server
> > done
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >> On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Michael W. Hall <hallmw at att.net>
> wrote:
> >> 
> >> Ok.  I have a question.  I am mining BTC.  Have been since
> February.  I
> >> am running bfgminer.  I have it running, but would like to improve
> it.
> >> When I am away from home (work or vacation), the bfgminer program
> will
> >> stop.
> >> 
> >> I know I can do it just not sure how to go about it.  I would like
> the
> >> system to check every 5 minutes or so if the bfgminer is running. 
> If it
> >> is then do nothing.  If it is not then I would like to restart.  I
> have
> >> to start the program like so,
> >> 
> >> bfgminer <various command line params>
> >> 
> >> Any ideas on the best way to do this?
> >> 
> >> Thanks,
> >> Michael
> >> 
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