[LUNA] Unix training & book recommendation

Christopher R. Key crkey at crkey.com
Mon Mar 24 19:06:02 CDT 2014

You all have raised some good points I hadn't thought about (and I'll 
add one I encountered today - use of lsof to troubleshoot).

For what it's worth, given the environment these individuals will 
likely encounter, the scope could be limited to RHEL primarily, Solaris 
and AIX in 2nd and 3rd (though I'm seeing people move away from Solaris 
which boggles me).

On 2014-03-24 18:01, Paul F. Pearson wrote:
> I think distrowatch had a recommendation or two several weeks back.
> If I get a chance, I'll go look. Otherwise, you should be able to go
> back and look.
> On this:
>> How to configure, start and stop services
> That's apparently changing for Linux, but not for BSD. Ubuntu
> introduced upstart, which several distros (including RHEL6) adopted;
> this has generally been considered a mistake. Most Linux distros now
> seem to be moving to systemd (I think Slackware is holding out for
> now, not sure about others;I think Debian is still discussing it).
> Since systemd is Linux specific, the BSD community is staying put as
> far as I can tell.
> I don't know much about systemd (just installed Arch recently, so
> I'll likely get to know it eventually), but everything I've read says
> that it's pretty different. In my mind, it seems rather monolithic and
> all consuming; it's now the official keeper of udev.
> ------
> Paul F. Pearson
> We all laugh in the same language
> ----- "Chris Key" <crkey at crkey.com> wrote:
>> Basic goals:
>> Know how to login
>> Navigate the file system
>> Where to find logs
>> How to configure, start and stop services
>> Use grep, sed, awk to process log or data files, ex. Convert CSV to
>> LDIF, pull only specific items out of logs
>> Introduced to Perl and shell scripting
>> Securely transfer files between servers, including automated
>> Schedule tasks via cron
>> Set or change IP addressing, troubleshoot network connections
>> Am I missing anything?  I'm sure I am.
>> Christopher R Key
>> PwC | Director
>> Mobile: 256-527-7884 | Fax: 813-329-5162
>> Email: christopher.r.key at us.pwc.com
>> PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
>> 1075 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
>> http://www.pwc.com/us
>>> On Mar 21, 2014, at 20:42, "Michael W. Hall" <hallmw at att.net>
>> wrote:
>>> What are the objectives of the training?  You want the students to
>> learn
>>> basic commands for the command line?
>>>> On Fri, 2014-03-21 at 20:52 -0400, Christopher R. Key wrote:
>>>> I'm looking for a recommendation on a goo Unix reference or "learn
>>>> Unix" book that I can provide to new hires.
>>>> I'm needing to revamp the training we do for our campus new hires,
>>>> which includes a course on Unix skills.  Sadly what we've been
>> finding
>>>> is college graduates have little to no Unix skills (yes I know, I
>> could
>>>> probably recruit at your school but that's not the point).  The
>>>> expectation is a one day class, but the learned skills would be
>> used
>>>> over the course of the 5 week bootcamp.
>>>> Here are some I've had or used in the past.  I'm curious what this
>>>> group's thoughts are, especially since most of these are dated
>> (Unix
>>>> doesn't change, but given the last IP conversation, apparently it
>> is).
>>>> http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596002619.do
>>>> Learning the Unix Operating System, 5th Edition (O'Reilly 2001)
>> http://www.amazon.com/Unix-Linux-Visual-QuickStart-Edition/dp/0321636783/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&qid=1395247274&sr=8-18&keywords=unix
>>>> Unix and Linux: Visual QuickStart Guide, 4th Edition (2009)
>> http://www.amazon.com/UNIX-Impatient-Edition-Paul-Abrahams/dp/0201823764/ref=sr_1_98?ie=UTF8&qid=1395247381&sr=8-98&keywords=unix
>>>> UNIX for the Impatient, 2nd Edition (1995)

    Christopher R. Key
    Whatever happened to wanting to be John Wayne?

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