[LUNA] rsync(d) question ....

William A. Mahaffey III wam at hiwaay.net
Fri Aug 7 09:50:02 CDT 2015

.... I am trying to use rsync to archive my /etc directory on my 
FC14-x86_64 box onto another box for safe-keeping. I am pulling from the 
other box (NetBSD 6.1.5 64-bit) using the following command:

4256EE1 # whoami
4256EE1 # rsync -avviiz root at q6600::etc  /home/rsync/Q6600/etc
opening tcp connection to q6600 port 873
sending daemon args: --server --sender -vvlogDtprze.iLsfx . etc/  (5 args)
receiving incremental file list
rsync: readlink_stat("/sysctl.conf" (in etc)) failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: readlink_stat("/openvpn" (in etc)) failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: readlink_stat("/aliases" (in etc)) failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: readlink_stat("/.pwd.lock" (in etc)) failed: Permission denied (13)

I am obviously having permission issues :-). I have xinetd activating 
rsyncd. I *think* my install of rsync & xinetd are box stock, but hard 
to be sure w/ the OS this old (I will be upgrading to CentOS in the near 
future, part of my interest in archiving my /etc to preserve lots of 
configuration magic). I see the following in my messages files on the 
Q6600 FC14 box:

Aug  7 09:27:44 Q6600 xinetd[1678]: START: rsync pid=1377 
Aug  7 09:27:44 Q6600 rsyncd[1377]: connect from 4256EE1 (
Aug  7 09:27:44 Q6600 rsyncd[1377]: rsync on etc/ from 4256ee1 (
Aug  7 09:27:45 Q6600 rsyncd[1377]: building file list
Aug  7 09:27:45 Q6600 rsyncd[1377]: rsync: readlink_stat("/sysctl.conf" 
(in etc)) failed: Permission denied (13)
Aug  7 09:27:45 Q6600 rsyncd[1377]: rsync: readlink_stat("/openvpn" (in 
etc)) failed: Permission denied (13)
Aug  7 09:27:45 Q6600 rsyncd[1377]: rsync: readlink_stat("/aliases" (in 
etc)) failed: Permission denied (13)
Aug  7 09:27:45 Q6600 rsyncd[1377]: rsync: readlink_stat("/.pwd.lock" 
(in etc)) failed: Permission denied (13)

I also tried the rsync-pull as my regular user (which is what I 
ultimately want to do if possible), same issue. I su-ed to root on the 
NetBSD box (as per their recommendations) & have been doing that for 
years under Linux, I don't *think* that's the issue but who knows. Any 
clues what is going on here (i.e. why doesn't the rsync-pull get 
*everything* from my /etc directory onto the remote box) ? *Any* clues 
appreciated. TIA & have a good one.


	William A. Mahaffey III


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