[LUNA] [OT] quickie ....

Bob Nance bob.nance at novationsys.com
Sat Jul 11 17:39:12 CDT 2015

Flood Ping is as sending packets as fast as you can create them. Assuming that you are running a modern processor and OS, you might be sending tens of thousands of  pings  every second. Your poor router is likely running a single-core, sub-gigahertz processor and can't keep up to reply. 

It's also possible that your router is deliberately ignoring the flood to avoid a DoS. See if you can ping get traffic through it during your flood through another Ethernet portion the router. If you don't have another port, then throw it away and but one that does :)

 Bob Nance
 Novation Systems

> On Jul 11, 2015, at 5:06 PM, William A. Mahaffey III <wam at hiwaay.net> wrote:
> .... if I flood-ping my router (LAN gateway, goes to cable-modem) & get lots of dropped packets, bad router ? TIA & have a nice weekend ....
> -- 
>    William A. Mahaffey III
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