[LUNA] Checking in

cyberdork33 cyberdork33 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 08:03:37 CST 2020

I am here, but I've been mainly a lurker. I work for NASA as an 
aerospace engineer on SLS. I do not use Linux directly at all at work 
anymore. :(  I was using it more a few years ago. At work I have a 
Macbook Pro (where I do take advantage of the fact that it is UNIX) and 
at home I have an Ubuntu MATE 19.10 desktop and Ubuntu 18.04 Server. I 
recently migrated all my personal services to docker containers, which 
was a pain the arse. (Nextcloud, gitea, static webserver, game servers, 
etc, with a reverse proxy in front). I also maintain my HOA website.

On 3/1/20 11:41 AM, Bob Nance wrote:
> It’s Been a while Since I have seen any post to the group. How’s everybody doing?
> I propose that everyone of us send a quick update to the list so that we can know more about each other and catch up!
> My input: business has been slow, but picking up. I have been looking for some contract opportunities working as a system administrator in windows, Linux, macOS, or any varied sundry operating systems.  I also “do cloud” And have supported nearly 1000 developers in code pipeline automated testing cloud and DevOps roles.
> What’s up in your world?
> ———————
> Bob Nance
> Novation Systems
> https://www.novationsys.com
> +1 256-534-4620
> A good review is the best form of flattery! Please take a moment to give us five stars on Google https://goo.gl/NGKxW9
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