[LUNA] Reply-To discussion

Bob Nance bob.nance at novationsys.com
Tue Apr 23 22:45:52 CDT 2013

> The help on the reply:to option has the following to say.  I see both sides, but it does seem like it would be better for most if we allowed the option of replying to the poster or the list…

Typically, in a group like LUNA, replies to posts are intended as edification for the group. By changing the default behavior to reply to the sender, as opposed to the group, means that  either a lot of messages are sent twice (once to the user, then, oops, once to the group) or never received by the entire group. In the first case, the original sender receives two copies of the reply. In the second, the rest of us answer the same question the same way 32 more times back to the original sender.

I like reply-to the group. I'd rather the EXCEPTION be to reply to the sender.


PS The default behavior seems to be reply-to-sender, at the moment. I had to press "Reply-to-All" after I started this message. 

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