[LUNA] Free Pascal, Lazarus, and Dev-Pascal

Gayle Lee Fairless gayle.fairless at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 08:18:57 CST 2014

    Anybody know how to set up directories to compile Free Pascal for
Win64 or 64-bit use on Windows 7 Ultimate?  I downloaded the Win32
version of Free Pascal and installed it.  I also have Dev-Pascal from
Bloodshed and Lazarus, an IDE.  I am running these on two laptops
running Windows 7 Ultimate, Alienware M17x-R3 and Dell Inspiron 1501.  I
also downloaded a bunch of other freely available stuff such as Dev-C++
from Bloodshed and Open Watcom C++ and FORTRAN.  I also have Qt and also
Code: blocks.

    I know fpcmake may need  -T X86_64 as a parameter.  I downloaded
fpcbuild and src262 zip files off Sourceforge.  I hope to arrange
directories to have the fpcmake do its 'magic.'

    It would be nice to know how to switch smoothly among these
configurations since I also have Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express.

    Maybe I have a need for more computers!  :-D

    I also have DosBox .74 to run GWBASIC and Turbo Pascal 7.0.  I have
those running just fine.  I did that after getting Caxton Foster's
Orrery which has GWBASIC files and executables with it.  Those won't run
on today's computers.  But this is just extra information not relevant
to my question.

        (Mr.) Gayle Lee Fairless
        fairless at ieee.org

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