[LUNA] Free Pascal, Lazarus, and Dev-Pascal

Paul F. Pearson pfpearson at mchsi.com
Tue Feb 18 14:31:22 CST 2014

I haven't attempted Free Pascal or Lazarus (the two seem intimately intertwined, even though fpc technically doesn't require Lazarus) on Winodw; only briefly have I looked on Linux. I'd expect Lazarus to mostly "just work" in Windows but I've been wrong a lot lately. Making sure your paths don't have spaces in them should help a lot.

My only comment is that Bloodshed Dev-C++ is often considered "out of date"; the last update was 3 days short of 8 years ago. This saddens me, as I enjoyed it years ago. I recall Code::Blocks (I see you have it installed) being a frequently recommended alternative. See [1] for further opinion.

[1] http://clicktobegin.net/programming/why-you-shouldnt-use-dev-c/

Paul F. Pearson
We all laugh in the same language

----- "Gayle Lee Fairless" <gayle.fairless at gmail.com> wrote:

> Anybody know how to set up directories to compile Free Pascal for
> Win64 or 64-bit use on Windows 7 Ultimate?  I downloaded the Win32
> version of Free Pascal and installed it.  I also have Dev-Pascal from
> Bloodshed and Lazarus, an IDE.  I am running these on two laptops
> running Windows 7 Ultimate, Alienware M17x-R3 and Dell Inspiron 1501. 
> I
> also downloaded a bunch of other freely available stuff such as
> Dev-C++
> from Bloodshed and Open Watcom C++ and FORTRAN.  I also have Qt and
> also
> Code: blocks.
>     I know fpcmake may need  -T X86_64 as a parameter.  I downloaded
> fpcbuild and src262 zip files off Sourceforge.  I hope to arrange
> directories to have the fpcmake do its 'magic.'
>     It would be nice to know how to switch smoothly among these
> configurations since I also have Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
> Express.
>     Maybe I have a need for more computers!  :-D
>     I also have DosBox .74 to run GWBASIC and Turbo Pascal 7.0.  I
> have
> those running just fine.  I did that after getting Caxton Foster's
> Orrery which has GWBASIC files and executables with it.  Those won't
> run
> on today's computers.  But this is just extra information not
> relevant
> to my question.
>         Sincerely,
>         (Mr.) Gayle Lee Fairless
>         fairless at ieee.org
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