[LUNA] mSATA drives ....

William A. Mahaffey III wam at hiwaay.net
Thu Jan 2 17:56:13 CST 2014

.... I am looking at replacing this hardware (AMD 64X2 3800+ CPU, 
Gigabyte GA-61SME mbd) w/: 
hopefully running CentOS 6.n. The description saya it uses a 'mSATA' HDD 
.... I looked around on NewEGG & Google & can't seem to find any mention 
of mSATA drives as such, descriptions about them, but not the drives 
themselves. It *looks* like it is just a convenience slot for a 2.5" 
HDD, which attaches by plugging in rather than screwing in, but I can't 
tell for sure .... I looked at other boxen as well 
(http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16856173047 & 
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883218023) & both 
say they use a std 2.5" HDD in a bracket which looks a *LOT* like the 
mSATA bracket in the Gigabyte box, but don't call it mSATA either .... 
Any clarifications appreciated .... Happy new year one & all :-) ....

	William A. Mahaffey III


	"A&E needs 'Duck Dynasty' FAR MORE than
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		-- WAM III, Dec. 2013

	P.S.: Nice to see A&E cave as of 12/27/13 :-) ....

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