[LUNA] Github question

cyberdork33 cyberdork33 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 21:47:52 CDT 2015

Not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Do you want a clone of your ftc_app repo into your FTC repo? If so, you can just add the other repo as another remote on your local machine and push changes to it. See 'git remote add'. You could just continue to use the ftc_app repo though and continue making changes and pushing there...


On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 9:26 PM, Michael W. Hall <hallmw at att.net> wrote:

> I setup a Github account for our robotics team.  I created a repository
> [my_github_accoun]/FTC.  I forked the robotics sdk into
> [my_github_accoun]/ftc_app.  I then cloned that on my machine and made
> some changes and pushed those changes back to
> [my_github_accoun]/ftc_app.  I would like to put the changes into
> [my_github_accoun]/FTC which I created through the Github web interface.
> I am using android studio.  Could someone tell me how to accomplish
> this?  I am new to using Github.  I have use git on my local machine but
> this is new to me.  TIA.
> Michael
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