[LUNA] Problems w/ rsync ....

Branden Harper bharper at chaosweb.us
Thu Aug 13 10:25:32 CDT 2015

I went back through the thread, and I didn't see where you're using the ssh
syntax anywhere.  Maybe I missed it?

The big differences between rsyncd- and ssh-style transport is A) The
number of colons (one for ssh, two for rsync); and B) the path spec: ssh
uses absolute and relative paths, while rsync uses "profiles".

rsync -avviiz root at rpitimer::root /home/rsync/RPiTimer  # Calls rsyncd with
profile "root"

rsync -avviiz root at rpitimer:/ /home/rsync/RPiTimer/    #Calls ssh with path

You can add more -v's to see what commands it's actually running.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 9:40 AM, William A. Mahaffey III <wam at hiwaay.net>

> On 08/13/15 09:36, Branden Harper wrote:
>> rsync root at host://local/path/
>> If it works, you can disable the rsyncd.
> That's what I am doing now (snipped out a few posts ago, but you can go
> back & verify), so still in the drink. I have sshd running on the RPiB+, w/
> rsync invoked from inetd (also running), & the error message is labelled
> 'inetd_opp_failed' or some such:
> [root at Q6600:/etc, Thu Aug 13, 09:46 AM] 1217 # rsync -avviiz root at rpitimer::root
> /home/rsync/RPiTimer
> opening tcp connection to rpitimer port 873
> rsync: failed to connect to rpitimer (*inet_ntop failed*): Connection
> refused (111)
> rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(122)
> [Receiver=3.0.8]
> [root at Q6600:/etc, Thu Aug 13, 09:46 AM] 1217 #
> Could the problem be w/ inetd in some way. Again, nothing in any of the
> relevant logfiles :-/ ....
> --
>         William A. Mahaffey III
>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>         "The M1 Garand is without doubt the finest implement of war
>          ever devised by man."
>                            -- Gen. George S. Patton Jr.
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